Change power point slides to pdf without any software.

Well it is really easy to convert Power point  into pdf. First Open the power point slide, then click save as and choose PDF or XPS. Now if you save it, it the slides will be saved in PDf format.

But you will notice that in each page there is only 1 slide. You might want to several slides in a single page to print them easily.
But you will notice that in each page there is only 1 slide. You might want to several slides in a single page to print them easily.

You can also change. More than one slide per page.

Step 1, Open The power point , click save as , choose PDF or XPS as mentioned above.

Step 2, Click Option before saving it as you can see it in the picture below.

Step 3, Then choose handouts from the option , also select the number of slides you want to add per page. You can also change other options.

Click Ok and you will receive your power point handouts in pdf format. Hope this quick tip will help. Thanks for visiting My Blog :)
Change power point slides to pdf without any software. Change power point slides to pdf without any software. Reviewed by Awais on 12:51 Rating: 5